Friday, March 26, 2010

Read this Interesting Interview

It has now been a week since I had surgery. I went back to work on Wednesday and am feeling almost back to normal. I still can't lift heavy things or do crunches because those little muscles in my head and neck are still healing. I never knew I used those muscles as much as I do. I found this great article I thought I'd share with you. It's actually a radio interview that involved a well-known researcher, a cochlear implant recipient, and the producer of "Sound and Fury." This movie displays the controversy of cochlear implants in Deaf culture. It's a great film if you have not yet seen it. Click here to see the interview.

Activation day is 5 days from today!


  1. Hey Stephanie -

    I'm so happy to hear that your post-op is going well! I also can't wait to read about your initial stim!

    I wanted to let you know that I tried the link for the interview and am not sure that it's working correctly.

    Just thought I'd let you know.
    You're in my prayers!

  2. Thanks Andrea, I think I fixed the link. Try it now :)
