Friday, March 19, 2010

Surgery went well

Well I just had cochlear implant surgery for my right ear, which is the ear I've heard pretty much nothing out of for 25 years. I have been waiting for 17 years to actually have this done. I am not a typical cochlear implant candidate but could benefit from using one in addition to hearing with my hearing aid on the left side. I know many people are curious to know how I'm doing and how I will do with a cochlear implant so I decided to start this blog.

Anyhow, I'm sitting in my apartment with my parents and brother, Alex, watching the NCAA basketball games. The games aren't too interesting and I have I dozen movies to watch, but I'd rather let you all know that I'm doing really well after surgery. Much better than I thought I'd be. I went to the hospital at 11 AM and and it was 1:15 PM when I got put to sleep. All the nurses and doctors were very nice and spoke very clearly, which was much appreciated! Surgery took about 2 hours and the surgeon said everything went really well. I have a little bit of pain behind my ear but I'm relieved that my balance was not thrown off. Recovery should take about 2 to 3 days but I''m pretty sure I'll be up and moving by tomorrow. Thanks everyone for all your prayers, I appreciate it! Back to watching basketball and picking which movie to watch first...


  1. that is so great! it sounds like things went really good and i'm happy for u! can u tell a difference already? rest up....u'll be up and about in no time!! :-) keep us posted!! nicole martin!

  2. great idea stephanie! glad to hear everything went well. heal up fast lady!

  3. Thinking of you, girl. Good luck. Let me know when you want to come back to Austin and hang out! xoxo

  4. Great idea with the blog steph. Glad to hear things went well and you are recovery quick it seems. I can't wait for more updates!

  5. So great to hear about how you're doing, Stephanie! You're in my thoughts & prayers! Hope you have a speedy recovery.
